
A Great Leap Forward for A Neighborhood Left Behind

How One Hill Charted the Path Toward Equitable Development in Pittsburgh

February 2016

After decades of disinvestment and exclusion from the benefits of redevelopment, Hill District leaders are charting the path toward equitable development in Pittsburgh.

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After decades of disinvestment and exclusion from the benefits of redevelopment, Hill District leaders are charting the path toward equitable development in Pittsburgh. The Hill District community benefits agreement is the result of deep community organizing and alliances with labor and community leaders. The agreement creates enforceable polices that ensure publicly subsidized development projects deliver concrete and widespread benefits to local residents. When the doors to the Pittsburgh Penguin’s stadium opened, it signified the reversal of decades of development projects that came with empty promises. Because of One Hill’s determination, local residents were purchasing fresh food in their own neighborhood for the first time in 30 years. The agreement also provided $8.3 million to improve access to community services and guarantees that at least 40% of the living wage jobs at the arena go to local residents.

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